Attendance management system...

The Attendance Management System is a feature of HRMS that allows employees to track their work hours and attendance records. With the HRMS mobile application, employees can easily access their attendance data from their mobile devices at any time and from anywhere.

By using the mobile application, employees can check their attendance records, including clock-in and clock-out times, breaks, and overtime hours. This feature helps employees to keep track of their work hours and ensure they are being accurately compensated for their time.

The mobile application also allows employees to request time off, view their leave balances, and receive notifications for upcoming shifts or schedule changes. This helps to streamline the process of managing attendance and leave requests, making it easier for both employees and HR departments.

Overall, the Attendance Management System within the HRMS mobile application is a convenient and efficient way for employees to manage their work hours and attendance records. It provides a level of flexibility that enables employees to easily access their attendance data on the go, ensuring accurate and timely record keeping.

The app mentioned provides a range of features for managing employee attendance and time tracking. It allows for the generation of reports for daily, monthly, and hourly attendance, as well as monthly status updates.

Additionally, the app enables employees to access various details related to their attendance, including their employee profile, daily attendance, leave application, thumb application, overtime application, and notifications.

One key feature of the app is the ability for employees to thumb in and thumb out, providing an accurate and convenient way to track their work hours. The app also provides monthly details on the employee’s attendance, such as the number of present days, absent days, total leave, total half leave, holidays, overtime, and more.


Dash board of attendence system in mobile
application of HRMS

Dashboard of attendance system in mobile application of HRMS

With the HRMS attendance dashboard mobile application, you can now access your attendance information on the go. Check your present or absent status, view your leave details, and manage your attendance with ease, all from the convenience of your mobile device.

The application offers a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy for employees to access their attendance information at any time. With real-time updates and easy navigation, the application offers a hassle-free experience, empowering employees to manage their attendance with ease.

With this system, employees can conveniently access their attendance data on their mobile devices from anywhere, anytime.

This feature allows employees to monitor their work hours, including clock-in and clock-out times, breaks, and overtime hours, ensuring that they are being compensated accurately for their time. Employers can also use this system to maintain compliance with labor laws and regulations related to work hours.

In addition, the Attendance Management System enables employees to request time off, view their leave balances, and receive notifications for upcoming shifts or schedule changes. This helps streamline the process of managing attendance and leave requests, making it easier for both employees and HR departments.

Missing thumb

It sounds like the app you are referring to is an HRMS (Human Resource Management System) that includes time and attendance management, as well as features such as a missing thumb option and a leave application.

The missing thumb feature allows employees to notify their employer when they forget to do the thumb-in and thumb-out process through the mobile application, providing a reason for missed attendance.


Leave application

The leave application feature allows employees to submit their leave requests through the mobile app and provides information on the status of the request, including which day, date, type of leave, and the reason for the leave. It also provides the details of the approver who approved the leave request.

Overall, an HRMS with these features can be useful for businesses to manage employee attendance and leave requests more efficiently, as well as provide employees with an easy way to request and track their leave.