To facilitate this, Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) has been developed to provide a centralized platform for managing employee data and generating reports. These reports help HR personnel and management to monitor and evaluate employee performance, track attendance, and manage compensation.

In this preface, we will focus on the various report features available within an HRMS. These features allow HR personnel and management to generate Attendance reports, Monthly Summary reports, Daily Details reports, InOut reports, Late/Early reports, Short Hour reports, Missing Thumb reports, Clarification reports, Salary reports, Salary Summary reports and Increment Detail reports.

Attendance reports provide a detailed summary of employee attendance, including information on hours worked, absences, and tardiness. Monthly summary reports help to identify trends and patterns in employee attendance over a given period, while daily details reports provide a more granular view of attendance for each day.

Attendance Report (Employee)

The attendance report for employees typically includes details such as the date, time in, time out, total hours worked, and the status of each day (e.g. present, absent, sick leave, etc.). It is used to keep track of the employee's attendance and ensure that they are meeting the attendance requirements of the company. The report is usually generated at the end of the month or pay period and is used to calculate the employee's salary and benefits.

Monthly Summary Report

The Monthly Summary Report is a comprehensive report that provides a summary of an employee's attendance and work-related activities for a specific month. It includes information such as the number of present hours, absent hours, late hours, missed thumb punches, and early hours, which can be used to calculate the employee's salary and evaluate their performance. A report is a useful tool for HR managers and administrators to monitor the attendance and work habits of employees and make informed decisions about their work schedules and compensation.

Daily Details Report

The Daily Detail Report provides a comprehensive overview of an employee's daily attendance. This report includes important details such as the exact time the employee arrived at work, the exact time the employee left work, the total time the employee was present during the workday, and the total time the employee was absent. This report is typically generated on a daily basis and provides a detailed record of an employee's attendance for each day of the week. This report can be used by HR or management to monitor an employee's attendance and ensure that they are following the company's attendance policies.

In-Out Report

This report provides a detailed overview of the employee's daily attendance, including the exact times they arrived and left the workplace. The total number of hours worked by the employee on a daily basis can also be tracked using this report. This information can be used by managers to monitor and manage employee attendance, as well as to calculate the employee's compensation accurately. The InOut report can also help in identifying patterns of punctuality, absenteeism, and tardiness among employees, which can be useful in implementing attendance policies and making necessary adjustments.

Late/Early Report

The Early/Late Report is a document that tracks an employee's punctuality. It records the days that the employee came to work early and the days that they arrived late. This report is an important tool for managers to monitor attendance and ensure that employees are meeting expectations in terms of punctuality. By keeping a record of early and late arrivals, the company can take action to address any attendance issues and maintain a productive and efficient workplace.

Short Hour Report

The Short Hour Report is a document used by employers to track the hours worked by their employees. It provides a detailed record of an employee's arrival and departure times, allowing the employer to determine if the employee has worked the full 9.30 hours or not. The report is especially useful for companies that require their employees to work set hours each day. By monitoring the arrival and departure times of employees, the company can ensure that they are meeting their work hours obligations and maintaining a productive and efficient workplace. The Short Hour Report is an important tool for managers to monitor attendance and ensure that employees are meeting expectations in terms of work hours and productivity.

Missing Thumb Report

"Missing Thumb Report" refers to a report generated by an HRMS system to track instances where the employee has not provided their biometric thumbprint when required. In many organizations, employees are required to scan their thumbprints when they arrive at work or leave for the day, or when they access certain secure areas within the workplace. The "Missing Thumb Report" is used to monitor and identify instances where an employee has not provided their thumbprint, which could indicate a violation of company policy or an issue with the biometric scanning equipment.

Clarification Report

A "Clarification Report" is a report generated by an HRMS system that provides details about an employee's arrival or departure time. This report is used to monitor and manage employee attendance and to ensure that employees are adhering to the company's schedule and punctuality policies. The report typically includes information such as the date, the employee's name and department, the recorded arrival or departure time, and any discrepancies between the recorded time and the expected arrival or departure time. It may also include a section for notes or comments, where HR managers or supervisors can provide additional context or explanations for the discrepancies.

Salary Report

The "Salary Report" provides detailed information about an employee's compensation. This includes information about an employee's basic pay, missed pay, earned pay, paid time off, overtime pay, bonus pay, and final pay. This report provides a comprehensive view of an employee's earnings, deductions, and other payroll-related information. This report is typically used by human resources and payroll departments to monitor and manage employee pay, as well as to ensure that employees are paid accurately and on time.

Salary Summary Report

The "Salary Summary Report" provides a summary of information about employee salaries. This report typically includes information such as the name of the employee who was paid, the date they were paid, and how they were paid (e.g., cash or bank transfer). This report can also include information such as the amount of salary paid, any deductions or taxes taken out, and the final net pay received by the employee. The salary summary report is useful for HR and payroll departments to track and manage employee salaries, as well as for management to monitor and make decisions about compensation and benefits.

Increment Detail Report

The increment detail report serves as a valuable tool for both employees and employers. It provides a record of an employee's progress and contributions to the company and documents the reason for their salary increase. This information is useful for performance evaluations, as it provides evidence of an employee's performance and highlights their achievements. The report can also serve as a reference for future negotiations or evaluations, and it helps both the employee and the employer keep track of the employee's compensation history. Overall, the increment detail report is an important document for tracking an employee's salary and progress within a company.