From managing employee records to generating letters, the utility offers a range of modules that cater to different aspects of an organization’s operations. The User Master module enables organizations to manage user access and permissions, while the Payment Type Master module provides a platform for managing payment types and methods.

The Holiday Master module enables organizations to manage their holiday schedules, while the Leave Master module offers a platform for managing employee leave records. The Rule Master module enables organizations to define rules and regulations for different aspects of their operations, while the Role Master module enables organizations to define different roles and responsibilities for their employees.

The utility is a powerful software solution that can help organizations manage their operations more efficiently and effectively. With its comprehensive feature set and user-friendly interface, Utility is a must-have tool for organizations looking to streamline their operations and achieve greater efficiency.

Company Master

A database or register that contains detailed information on companies registered with a particular authority, such as the Registrar of Companies. This register is typically maintained by government agencies or other official bodies, and its contents can vary depending on the specific jurisdiction or country.

"Company Master" you are referring to contains information on a company's name, address, GST number, PAN card information, and other relevant details. This information can be useful for various purposes, such as verifying a company's identity, tracking its financial activity, and ensuring compliance with tax and regulatory requirements.

Role Master

For human resources and workforce management, "Role Master" is a term that is commonly used to refer to a database or system that contains information on the various roles and positions within an organization, as well as the employees assigned to those roles.

"Role Master" specifically contains information on individual employees, including their names and the role they are assigned to within the organization. This can be a useful tool for managers and human resources personnel to track and manage employee assignments, ensure that each role is staffed appropriately, and make informed decisions about hiring, promotion, and other workforce-related matters.

User Master

The User Master contains information on individual users, including their login information, access permissions, and various settings that control their experience with the system. One of the key functions of the User Master is to provide administrators with the ability to reset a user's information and password in the event that the user forgets their login credentials or there is a security issue that requires a password reset.

In addition to password management, the User Master also typically features notification settings, which allow users to receive alerts, messages, or other types of communication from the system. This can be particularly useful for applications that require real-time updates or notifications, such as messaging platforms or stock trading systems.

Bank Master

"Bank Master" typically refers to a centralized database or software module that contains information on the various banks and financial institutions with which the bank or financial institution is connected. This information is often used to facilitate transactions, transfers, and other financial activities between banks and financial institutions.

The Bank Master typically contains information such as the names of the banks and financial institutions, their unique identifying numbers or codes, their addresses, and other contact information. This information is often used to ensure that financial transactions are conducted accurately and efficiently, and that money is transferred securely between banks and financial institutions.

Holiday Master

The Holiday Master is a crucial component of a Human Resource Management System (HRMS) that manages and tracks the holidays for employees. It is an organized and comprehensive record of all holidays throughout the year, including national, religious, and other special occasions.

The Holiday Master plays a crucial role in ensuring that employees are aware of upcoming holidays and can plan their work schedule and leave accordingly. It helps to maintain a work-life balance, reduces stress, and improves productivity. HR managers can easily keep track of employee attendance and leave requests, and plan project timelines accordingly.

Leave Master

The Leave Master module in an HRMS stores the complete leave history of an employee, including the type of leaves taken (such as earned leave, sick leave, or maternity leave), the number of leaves availed and the balance remaining. It also includes the calculation of leave entitlement, carried forward leave balances, and leave encashment details, providing a comprehensive view of an employee's leave history. This information can be used for various purposes, such as tracking employee attendance, calculating payroll, and planning work schedules.

Professional Tax Master

According to the employee's compensation, the Professional Tax Master has a professional tax setting. For instance, Rs. 250 in tax is subtracted from an employee's 15,000 income.

Document Type Master

The Document Type Master is a feature in HRMS that enables users to store and manage private information and important documents related to employees. This feature allows for the secure storage of sensitive information such as personal identification, bank details, educational certificates, and other relevant documents. Each document is categorized based on its type, such as a passport, driver's licence, or birth certificate, and can be easily accessed and managed by authorized users. Additionally, the Document Type Master can be customized to fit the specific needs of an organization and can also be integrated with other HRMS features, such as the Employee Master and Leave Master, to streamline HR processes and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Payment Type Master

Payment Type Master is a module in an HRMS system that stores information about the methods of salary payment to employees. The module contains details on how an employee receives their salary, such as via a check, cash, or direct deposit to their bank account. The Payment Type Master also enables the HR department to manage and update the payment method for each employee based on their preference or the company's policy. In addition, it allows the HR department to track the payment history and ensure that the employees are paid accurately and on time. The Payment Type Master plays a critical role in ensuring efficient and accurate payroll processing in an organization.

Instruction Master

The Instruction Master feature in the HRMS (Human Resource Management System) is an essential tool for HR and other management personnel to communicate important information or instructions to employees. This feature allows HR or other authorised personnel to easily create and distribute instructions to employees, ensuring that everyone is informed and up-to-date with any new policies or procedures.

With the Instruction Master feature, HR can create detailed instructions and share them with the entire workforce or specific individuals or groups within the organisation. This can include instructions related to training, safety, compliance, or any other important workplace policies or procedures.

Generate Letter
(Offer, Joining, Experience letter etc.)

The Generate Letter tool in the HRMS system provides a user-friendly platform for creating various types of letters, including offer letters, joining letters, experience letters, and resignation letters. This tool comes with a range of customizable templates to choose from, making it easy for HR and other management personnel to create and generate letters for employees.

With the Generate Letter tool, HR can quickly generate offer letters to new employees that contain all necessary information about their role, salary, benefits, and other terms and conditions. The tool also includes templates for joining letters, which can be customized to include details such as the date of joining, reporting structure, and other important information.

Device Setting

The Device Setting feature in the HRMS system allows authorized personnel to make adjustments to the thumb in/out function of the device under any circumstance. This feature enables administrators to fine-tune the device's settings for thumb-in/out attendance tracking and ensures accurate and reliable data collection.

With the Device Setting feature, administrators can customize the device settings for the thumb in/out function, such as adjusting the threshold for thumb recognition, setting up multiple shifts, and managing exceptions such as holidays, weekends, or sick leave. These settings can be changed at any time, ensuring that the device is always up-to-date and functioning correctly.

Email Template

In most organizations, employees are required to follow a specific protocol when seeking a leave of absence. This protocol usually involves making a formal request to HR or other authorized personnel. To make this process more efficient and consistent, many companies use HRMS (Human Resource Management System) which provides email templates for employees to use when requesting a leave of absence.

Using a standardized email template ensures that employees include all the necessary information in their requests and that it is formatted in a clear and professional manner. This helps the HR department and other authorized personnel to process the request more quickly and efficiently, saving both the employee and the organization time and resources.

Email Setting

In the HRMS email settings, users may have the option to customize the recipient's name when sending emails related to a leave request. This feature may be useful in situations where the recipient is not the default addressee or if there are multiple people involved in the leave request process.

By changing the recipient's name, the user can ensure that the email is directed to the appropriate person and that the communication is clear and concise. This can help to minimize confusion and misunderstandings regarding the leave request and ensure that the process runs smoothly. However, it's important to note that the ability to change the recipient's name may not be available in all HRMS email settings. It may depend on the specific software being used and the permissions granted to the user. It's recommended to check with the HR department or IT support to confirm if this feature is available in the organization's HRMS email settings.

Rule Master

The Rule Master is a document or a system in which all the company's rules and regulations are described in detail. It serves as a comprehensive guide for employees and management to understand and adhere to the policies and procedures of the organization.

The Rule Master may cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, employee conduct, dress code, attendance, leave policies, benefits, and disciplinary actions. It is designed to provide a clear and consistent framework for decision-making and ensure that all employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities. Regular updates to the Rule Master may be necessary to keep up with changes in legislation, company policies, or industry best practices. It is typically the responsibility of the HR department or a designated compliance officer to maintain and update the Rule Master.

Menu Access Utility
(Role Wise Menu Setting)

The Menu Access Utility is a tool in an organization's software that allows administrators to configure and customize the menu options available to different user roles or groups. This feature is often referred to as "Role Wise Menu Setting" since the menu options are assigned based on an employee's specific role within the organization.

When using the Menu Access Utility, administrators can easily view the different settings and access levels for each employee role. This enables them to make changes to the menu options based on the employee's specific needs and job functions. For instance, an administrator may assign different menu options to a manager compared to a regular employee. This may involve providing additional access to features or options that are only applicable to the manager's job functions.